April 20, 2020

4. Hydrogen

2 & 3 Marks
1. Justify the position of Hydrogen in the Periodic table.
2. Explain why Hydrogen is not placed with the Halogen in the Periodic table.
3. What are Isotopes? Write the names of Isotopes of Hydrogen.
4. Write a note on Ortho - Hydrogen and Para - Hydrogen. Or
    What is Ortho - Hydrogen and Para - Hydrogen?
5. Distinguish between Ortho - Hydrogen and Para - Hydrogen.
6. How do you convert Para Hydrogen into Ortho Hydrogen?
7. Explain preparation of Hydrogen using electrolysis.
8. Explain preparation of Hydrogen in laboratory.
9. Explain industrial production of large amount of Hydrogen.
10. What is Water gas? Or What is Syngas (Synthetic gas)?
11. What is Water - gas shift reaction?
12. How will you convert Carbon monoxide in Water gas to Carbon dioxide? Or
      Explain the Conversion of Carbon monoxide in Water gas to Carbon dioxide.
13. Explain Preparation of Deuterium.
14. Explain Preparation of Tritium.
15.  Write Chemical equation for the following reactions
       i) Reaction of Hydrogen with Oxygen.                        ii) Hydrogen gas and Chlorine gas.
       iii) Hydrogen gas and Fluorine gas.                            iv) Hydrogen gas and Bromine.
       v) Hydrogen gas and Iodine.                                       vi) Hydrogen gas and Lithium.
       vii) Hydrogen gas and Sodium.                                 viii) Hydrogen gas and Calcium.
       ix) Hydrogen gas and Acetylene with Nickel.
16. Explain the Exchange reactions of Deuterium.
17. Write Chemical equation for the following reactions
      i) Reaction of Deuterium with Oxygen.                     ii) Deuterium and Chlorine gas.
      iii) Deuterium and Fluorine gas.                                iv) Deuterium and Bromine.
      v) Deuterium and Iodine.
18. Mention the uses of Deuterium.
19. Mention the uses of Tritium.
20. Write Chemical equation for the reaction of Hydrogen with Tungsten (VI) oxide, WO3 on heating
21. What is the reaction of Water with Alkali metals? Write the Chemical equation.
22. What is the reaction of Water with Alkaline earth metals? Write the Chemical equation.
23. What is the reaction of Water with Transition metals? Write the Chemical equation.
24. What is the reaction of Water with Lead? Write the Chemical equation.
25. What is the reaction of Water with Copper? Write the Chemical equation.
26. What is the reaction of Water with Carbon? Write the Chemical equation.
27. What is the reaction of Water with Chlorine? Write the Chemical equation.
28. What is the reaction of Water with Fluorine? Write the Chemical equation.
29. What is the reaction of Water with HCl? Write the Chemical equation.
30. What is the reaction of Water with NH3? Write the Chemical equation.
31. What is the reaction of Water with SiCl4? Write the Chemical equation.
32. What is the reaction of Water with P4O10? Write the Chemical equation.
33. Water is an amphoteric oxide. Explain with suitable examples.
34. What is Hard water?
35. What is Soft water?
36. What are the Types hardness of water?
37. Give reason for Temporary Hardness.
38. How to remove Temporary Hardness?
39. Explain the Methods of removing Temporary Hardness.
40. Explain the removal of Temporary Hardness by boiling the hard water.
41. Explain the removal of Temporary Hardness by Clark’s method.
42. Give the reason for Permanent Hardness.
43. How to remove Permanent Hardness?
44. Explain the Methods of removing Permanent Hardness.
45. Differentiate Hard and Soft water.
46. Explain properties of Heavy water.
47. Explain the Exchange reactions of Heavy water.
48. What is the use of exchange reactions of Heavy water? Explain with suitable examples.
49. Heavy water is used to prepare Deuterium compounds. Give examples / Chemical equation for this.
50. Give the uses of Heavy water.
51. Do you think that Heavy water can be used for drinking purposes?
52. Hydrogen peroxide can function as an oxidising agent as well as reducing agent. Substantiate this statement with suitable examples.
53. Explain the preparation of Hydrogen peroxide.
54. Explain the properties of Hydrogen peroxide.
55. H2O2 is stored in plastic bottles – Why? Or H2O2 is not stored in glass container – Why?
56. What are the uses of Hydrogen peroxide? Or List the uses of Hydrogen peroxide.
57. Explain the Structure of Hydrogen peroxide.
58. Mention the Types of Hydrides.
59. Write a note on Ionic (Saline) hydrides.
60. Discuss the three types of Covalent hydrides.
61. Write a note on Metallic (Interstitial) hydrides.
62. Why Interstitial hydrides have a lower density than the parent metal.
63. How do you expect the Metallic hydrides to be useful for hydrogen storage?
64. Differentiate various Types of Hydrides
65. Compare the Structures of H2O and H2O2.
66. Write a note on Hydrogen bonding.
67. Write a note on Intramolecular hydrogen bonding.
68. Write a note on Intermolecular hydrogen bonding.
69. Arrange NH3, H2O and HF in the order of increasing magnitude of Hydrogen bonding and explain the basis for your arrangement.
70. NH3 has exceptionally high melting point and boiling point as compared to those of the hydrides of the remaining element of group 15 - Explain.
71. An ice cube at 00 C is placed in some liquid water at 00 C, the ice cube sinks - Why?
72. Predict which of the following hydrides is a gas on a solid a) HCl  b) NaH. Give your reason.
73. Write the expected formulas for the hydrides of 4th period elements. What is the trend in the formulas? In what way the first two numbers of the series different from the others?
74. Complete the following Chemical reactions and Classify them into a) Hydrolysis b) Redox c) Hydration reactions.1) KMnO4 + H2O2 --->   2) CrCl3 + H2O --->    3) CaO + H2O --->
5 Marks
1. Explain the Chemical properties of Hydrogen.
2. Mention / Appraise the uses of Hydrogen.
3. Draw the Structure of water and explain its physical and chemical properties.
4. Explain the removal of Permanent Hardness by Ion-exchange process. Or
    Explain the suitable method for water softening.
5. A first group metal (A) which is present in common salt reacts with (B) to give compound (C) in which Hydrogen is present in –1 oxidation state. (B) on reaction with a gas (C) to give universal solvent (D). The compound (D) reacts with (A) to give (B), a strong base. Identify A, B, C, D and E. Explain the reactions.
6. An isotope of Hydrogen (A) reacts with diatomic molecule of element which occupies Group number 16 and Period number 2 to give compound (B) is used as a modulator in nuclear reaction. (A) adds on to a compound (C), which has the molecular formula C3H6 to give (D). Identify A, B, C and D.

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