April 20, 2020

7. Thermodynamics

2 & 3 Marks
1. What is Thermodynamics?
2. What is the Aim of studying Thermodynamics?
3. What is a System? Give examples.
4. What is meant by Surrounding? Or Define Surrounding.
5. Distinguish between the System and Surrounding.
6. What is meant by Boundary? Or Define Boundary.         
7. What is an Isolated system? Give example.
8. What is a Closed system? Give example.
9. What is an Open system? Give example.
10. What is a Thermodynamic Property?
11. Mention the Properties of Thermodynamics.
12. Explain Extensive properties with examples.
13. Explain Intensive properties with examples.
14. What are the Processes of Thermodynamics? Give examples.
15. What is Reversible process? Give example.
16. What are the Conditions for the reversible process to occur?
17. What is Irreversible process? Give example.
18. Distinguish between Reversible process and Irreversible process.
19. Define - Adiabatic process.
20. Define - Isothermal process.
21. Define - Isobaric process.
22. Define - Isochoric process.
23. Define - Cyclic process.
24. List out the thermodynamic Processes and its Conditions.
25. What is State function? Give examples.
26. What is Path function? Give examples.
27. Distinguish between State function and Path function.
28. Identify the State and Path functions out of the following:
      a) Enthalpy            b) Entropy       c) Heat                        d) Tem­perature
      e) Work           f) Free energy.
29. What is Internal energy? What are the Components / Constituents of Internal energy?
30. Explain the Importance of Internal energy with example.
31. What is Heat? Give its Units.
32. Define - Calories.
33. Give the Sign convention of Heat.
34. Define - Work.
35. Give the Units of Work.
36. Define - Joule.
37. Give the Sign convention of Work.
38. What is PV work? Or What is Pressure - Volume work Or Expansion work?
39 Describe the relation between Internal energy, Work and Heat.
40. State the Zeroth law of thermodynamics. Or State the Law of thermal equilibrium.
      Where is this law Used?
41. State the First law of thermodynamics. Or State the Law of conservation of energy.
42. Write the Mathematical statement of First law of thermodynamics.
43. What happens when Mathematical statement of First law of thermodynamics is used in Cyclic process?
44. What happens when Mathematical statement of First law of thermodynamics is used in Isochoric process?
45. What happens when Mathematical statement of First law of thermodynamics is used in Adiabatic process?
46. What happens when Mathematical statement of First law of thermodynamics is used in Isobaric process?
47. Define - Enthalpy.
48. Define - Standard Heat of Formation. What is the Standard Heat of formation of all elements?
49. Define - Standard Enthalpy of Reaction. How is it denoted?
50. Define - Enthalpy of Combustion.
51. Define - Molar Heat capacity. Give its Unit.
52. Define - Molar Heat capacity at constant Volume (CV).
53. Define - Molar Heat capacity at constant Pressure (CP).
54. What are the Applications of Bomb Calorimeter?
55. What are the Applications of the Heat of Combustion?
56. Define the Calorific value of food. What is the Unit of Calorific value?
57. Define - Heat of Solution.
58. Define - Enthalpy of Neutralization.
59. Enthalpy of Neutralization is always a constant when a Strong acid is neutralized by a Strong base. Account for the statement.
60. Define - Molar Heat of Fusion.
61. Define - Molar Heat of Vapourisation.
62. Define - Molar Heat of Sublimation.
63. Define - Heat of Transition.
64. Define - Hess’s law of constant heat summation.
65. What are the Applications of Hess's law of constant heat summation?
66. What is Lattice energy?
67. What are the Uses of Born - Haber cycle?
68. What is the Need for the Second law of thermodynamics?
69. What is the usual definition of Entropy? What is the Unit of Entropy?
70. Write the Entropy statement of Second law of thermodynamics.
71. Write the Kelvin - Planck statement of Second law of thermodynamics. Or
      Give Kelvin statement of Second law of thermodynamics.
72. Write the Clausius statement of Second law of thermodynamics.
73. Write the Mathematical statement of the Percentage Efficiency of an engine.
74. What is Standard Entropy Change?
75. Define - Standard Entropy of Formation.
76. What is Entropy of Fusion?
77. What is Entropy of Vapourisation?
78. What is Entropy of Transition?
79. Define Gibb’s free energy.
80. Establish the link between ΔG and Spontaneity.
81. What are Spontaneous reactions? What are the Conditions for the Spontaneity of a process?
82. List the factors that determines Spontaneity of the process.
83. The Equilibrium constant of a reaction is 10, what will be the Sign of ΔG? Will this reaction be spontaneous?
84. Predict the Feasibility of a reaction when
      i) both ΔH and ΔS positive                             ii) both ΔH and ΔS negative        
      iii) ΔH decreases but ΔS increases.
85. Show that the decrease in Free energy (– ΔG) accompanying a process taking place at constant temperature and pressure is equal to the Maximum Work obtainable from the system.
86. What is Reaction Quotient?
87. Derive the Relationship between Standard free energy change and Equilibrium constant. Or
      Establish the relationship between ΔGo and Equilibrium constant.
88. State the Third law of thermodynamics.

5 Marks
1. Explain the different Types of system with examples. Or Explain the Types of system based on
    their physical and chemical properties with examples.
2. What are the Types of systems that correspond to the nature of the boundary?
3. List the Characteristics of Internal energy.
4. List out the Characteristics of Work.
5. Calculate the Work involved in Expansion and Compression process.
6. Write the Various statements of First law of thermodynamics.
7. Write a note on Enthalpy.
8. Derive the relation between ΔH and ΔU for an Ideal gas. Explain each term involved in the equa­ion.
      Or Derive the relation between Enthalpy and Internal energy. Or Derive : ΔH = ΔU + Δn(g)RT.
      Or Correlate Internal energy change (ΔU) and Enthalpy change (ΔH).
9. What are Thermochemical Equations? Give the conventions adopted in it.
10. Derive the relation between CP and CV for an ideal gas.
11. How will you measure the ΔU and ΔH using Bomb Calorimeter?
      Or How will you measure the Internal energy change and Enthalpy change?
12. Explain how heat absorbed at constant volume is measured using bomb calorimeter with a neat diagram.
13. Write down the Born - Haber cycle for the formation of CaCl2.
14. Suggest and explain an indirect method to calculate Lattice enthalpy of Sodium chloride crystal.
15. State the Various statements of Second law of thermodynamics.
16. State four Laws of thermodynamics.

        Problem : Work done, Change in Internal energy ΔU, Enthalpy changes for various types of reactions ΔH, Standard Heat of Formation ΔH°f, Lattice energy / Lattice enthalpy ΔH, % Efficiency η, Entropy change ΔS, Standard Entropy change ΔS°, ΔG of a reaction, Equilibrium constant Keq, ΔG°.

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